Long journey starts with a small step. When cryptocurrencies knocked on our world, no one supported them except for a small group of believers. But very soon we witnessed institutional investors investing in cryptocurrencies and large banks issuing them to support their operations.
The world of classic traditional finance and the world of crypto began to merge.
Corporate establishments want to reduce the cost of capital by tapping into the power of individual investors from all over the world. They want to do it in a fast, secure and convenient manner — the crypto manner. We see blurring boundaries in the investment world between the rich and the rest, increasing opportunities for small investors to put funds in private companies that were previously out of reach.
The purpose of Stobox is to create products that combine traditional and crypto finance into one basket and make it possible for everyone to benefit from this process. For two years, our team specialists have been analyzing, researching, and experimenting in the field of digital assets in order to gain experience and find the right solutions.
All this time our revenue-generating company has been providing services of preparing security token offerings. Currently, there are 8 clients at different stages of our pipeline, 15 clients to whom we gave our advice. Throughout these years, our team conducted more than 3,000 research hours of industry, business models, legal nuances; participated as speakers or partners at 10+ fintech summits; worked with two governments; wrote one book; built partnerships in 10+ countries; wrote 9 analytical pieces in professional media; conducted 500+ conversations with institutional clients, partners and industry professionals. We dedicated a lot of time to work with the professional community and create solid grounds for our future activities.
Our team is a combination of very bright young professionals and experienced business savvy, united by common purpose.
Based on deep expertise and research, we determined that to achieve our purpose of uniting the traditional and crypto worlds, we need to develop a set of related products that cover different applications of digital assets:
1. Digital Securities Dashboard
Stobox DS Dashboard allows our clients to digitize securities and conduct all operations with them in a convenient digital environment: offer securities to investors, pay dividends, conduct corporate voting and corporate actions in a new, digital way. The key feature of the product is a sophisticated system of automed legal compliance that allows clients to drastically reduce the risk and expenses of operations with securities. This product has a primary focus and is scheduled for release in mid-fall 2020.
2. Digital Assets Exchange
Built with extremely fast and reliable tech, it is created to enable transactions with cryptocurrencies and non-regulated tokens as a vital part of the digital assets ecosystem.
3. P2P Securities Marketplace
Being listed on a regulated market is not suitable for every company — listing restrictions and rules can be a burden for many companies. — where anyone can list. Our analytics team conducted research, which included discussions with regulators, and defined requirements for a P2P securities marketplace to not be considered a regulated market. Listing and trading on such a marketplace will be open to everyone.
In order to unify our products and provide our loyal supporters with favorable conditions for trading and investing, we have developed STBU. It is a utility token used to reward customers who bring the most value to the ecosystem and provide them with special terms. STBU allows us to become part of the Stobox Community of decent people who want to make a reasonable profit via digital assets. It gives access to better trading terms and unique investment opportunities.
Although initially we come from a traditional corporate world, we follow innovative models and watch the trends. Obviously, we couldn’t miss the sweeping growth of decentralized finance. And we cannot stand aside. Currently, we are closely studying approaches and models for DeFi projects, such as yield farming, researching ways to apply them in a regulated way and assessing the feasibility of doing so.
Stobox moves with confidence towards the goal of merging the traditional finance and the world of crypto initiatives together with our community. This is a long journey! There will be failures, mistakes and pivots. On this path, our reputation and trust of the community are the most valuable assets in the long-term. To support them, we put the value of our stakeholders and a complete transparency first.
We openly share knowledge in editorials, books, YouTube videos, speeches on summit. Our team is ready to answer any questions related to the digital assets, fundraising, legal aspects. Our legal documents, white paper, and a roadmap are in the process of being developed, you will be able to get them shortly on the Stobox.io website.
Be with Stobox — build the future with us!
CEO Stobox
Gene Deyev